5 Awesome Chocolate Stout Recipes

The stout is still alive and well in today’s era of craft beers.  Especially stouts with chocolate in it.  This is great news for fans of dark, silky liquids in their pint glasses. According to the Oxford Companion to Beer, the style has its origins in England, where it evolved from the stout porter: “Although the term ‘stout’ first emerged in England in the 1700s to describe the high-alcohol, bolder-flavored version of any beer style, over time it became closely associated with the porter style. In the late 1800s, regular porters fell out of favor and the designation stout porter was eventually simplified to stout.”

Make life a little nicer by trying out some of these chocolate stout recipes.  We’ve compiled a series of absolutely delicious recipes to try out for the chocolate lovers dream stout.  Remember that all of these recipes are scalable if you want to test the recipe out before you make a bigger batch.

Chocolate Stout Recipes

1. Chocolate Milk Stout Recipe

Full Recipe at: Homebrew Academy

This chocolate stout recipe is a roasty beer with hints of dark chocolate.  Actually, this stout is full of chocolate flavor.  A little more punch is added to the recipe by aging it on cocoa nibs after primary fermentation. The key to soaking cocoa nibs is to extract their flavor.  Some like to bake the cocoa nibs first, but this recipe finds that soaking in vodka first also helps to extract the flavor.  Also, the lactose gives a good sweetness to it.  For some tips on how to bring out the best in this recipe

2. Chocolate Oatmeal Stout Recipe

Full Recipe at: Love and Olive Oil

As far as chocolate stout recipes go this recipe is great for a desert drink.  It is rich and creamy, and brewed with cocoa powder and bourbon soaked cocoa nibs.  The “milk” part of this recipe comes from lactose sugar. This gives the beer some added sweetness and thick mouth-feel, creating the perfect combination for chocolate, and a perfect beer to have with, or for dessert.

3. German Chocolate Stout

Full Recipe at: BeerSmith

Finally, a chocolate stout recipe that is inspired by a German Chocolate Cake.  The head retention on this beer is very creamy.  And a big coconut nose has a presence all the way through the taste.  Also, there is a bit of chocolate nose but most of it is that first mouth and then it tapers off.  With an Oatmeal Stout base mixed with coconut and chocolate flavors you have an absolutely delicious drink that truly is like a German Chocolate Cake.

4. Chocolate Coffee Stout Recipe

Full Recipe at: Bertus Brewery

This chocolate stout recipe went through a lot of trial and error in order to achieve the ultimate taste.  It has a rich tan head that seems to last for days and an aroma that smells like pure mocha.  The coffee is rich and so is the chocolate.  The richness of the coffee comes through more than the chocolate does. There’s also some roasted malt in there, but it’s tough to pick out against the coffee flavor. In the end, the flavor is rich and smooth with a delightful balance between chocolate and coffee.

5. Double Chocolate Stout Recipe

Full Recipe at: Corny Keg

If you love chocolate than this is one of the best chocolate stout recipes for you!  It layers chocolate on top of more chocolate to provide a great taste that is still not completely overbearing in chocolate.  A chocolate aroma is apparent in the nose, and it is just a chocolate lovers dream.  It is not a clone of the Young's Double Chocolate Stout, but the taste is equally grand.  It is a must try for chocolate lovers.

Final Thoughts

In a competitive world where there is so much to brew you should definitely make some space for some chocolate stout recipes.  In addition to deserts these stouts can be greatly served during holidays like Christmas or Valentines Day or even summer events such as weddings.  If you are a chocolate lover then these chocolate stouts are great for you.  So get your equipment together along with some ingredients and get brewing!