Coffee For A Cause: Texas True Blue Coffee

According to Giving USA, charitable donations reached $449.64 billion in 2019. Roughly 12.5% of that total went to benefit human services and 8.3% went to public-society benefit organizations. Well, now your morning cup of Joe can be coffee that gives back to law enforcement and the community by helping inner city youths.

Enter Texas True Blue Coffee to the “coffee for a cause” scene. Like many companies, it was founded on a passion and a need. Before we discuss all of the contributions this Texas based coffee company makes we first need to give a background on the owner and the origins of Texas True Blue Coffee.

The Origins of Texas True Blue Coffee

Texas True Blue Coffee was launched in January 2020 and is owned by Lieutenant Erwin Ballarta. Lt. Ballarta is the Executive Director at the Texas Police Association and a retired trooper for the Texas Department of Public Safety. In his more than 35 years of service he’s done everything from protecting political officials to providing defensive training to officers.

One of the leadership positions Lt. Ballarta is involved with is to support families of fallen officers within the police force. The inspiration to start a coffee company came after speaking to the widow of trooper Moises Sanchez. Each time there was an injury to an officer, an officer involved shooting, or a casualty in the police force a lot of time was dedicated to fundraisers to assist the families of these officers. This time was no different for Moises Sanchez.

” A lot of time goes into fundraising and putting events together to support the families of a fallen officer. I wanted to create something that’s sustainable and continuous for these fallen officers and their families.”

-Erwin Ballarta

These experiences helped brew an idea. The idea was to start a coffee company and give back to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. In a sense, the goal would be to have a company that would be continually raising money for this cause. He worked with local coffee roasters based in Austin, Texas to create his first two blends of coffee.

  1. Texas True Blue Coffee’s 10-8 Breakfast Strength Blend: 10-8 is the police code for “In Service” and is the perfect name for a coffee to get you ready for your day. It’s a medium strength blend.
  2. Texas True Blue Coffee’s Patrol Strong Blend: a medium dark blend coffee for those who like a good strong coffee. And if you like black coffee you’ll love it!
Erwin Ballarta the founder of Texas True Blue Coffee with four female Texas state troopers

The Families That Need The Proceeds Will Get It

One of the largest known problems with charities in general is the small percentage of funds that actually makes it to the family that needs it. This is unlike other coffee companies who make their donation through another charity.

“It bothers me that some businesses will say they support law enforcement, but 1% or even less will actually make it to the families that need it.”

Erwin Ballarta
A personalized note from Texas True Blue Coffee thanking the recipient for remembering our heroes.
A hand written and personalized note thanking the recipient for remembering our heroes.

Lt. Ballarta has a different approach to the distribution of the proceeds that go to families, and it acts as an oversight into the business. This is the Texas True Blue Giving Team. Each Giving member has experienced a loss and understands the emotional, psychological, and financial needs for families.

Family members of fallen first responders are directly involved in the distribution of proceeds to make sure that the money goes exactly where it needs to go. Members of Texas True Blue Coffee Giving Team are Cynthia Vetter, Michele Kelley and Michaela Burns.

Proceeds Help Those Who Gave It All To Protect And Serve

Texas True Blue Coffee makes their donations to the families of fallen officers and other first responders. Donating to these groups is unlike any other coffee company who’s donating for a good cause. In fact, in today’s climate of increased tensions between the community and law enforcement it’s considered controversial by some.

However, Ballarta has much bigger plans in the works to mend the relationships between law enforcement and the community.

Helping Children In Inner City Communities

The goals for Texas True Blue Coffee extend their cause far beyond just backing the men that don a uniform. Ballarta also also helps to fund inner city youth programs.

The inner cities, especially, are often the hardest hit with poverty, crime, and hunger. By putting funding and resources back into these communities the poverty level can be raised which will also decrease crime and hunger. With an increase in education the entire community will be elevated.

Erwin Ballarta with Texas officers showing off Texas True Blue Coffee 10-8 blend and patrol strong blend.

Bringing The Civilian and Law Enforcement Communities Together

Law enforcement officers take an oath to “Protect and Serve” the public and their communities. With heightened tensions between the police and the public Ballarta see’s his coffee company as an opportunity to bring the police and the community together.

“To me, I’m not just selling coffee. I’m selling an idea that we can all be better, that we could bring communities and law enforcement together to make Texas better.”

Erwin Ballarta

To make these kinds of changes in Texas, and our country, it will start with these types of initiatives and grass root movements. Police right now are facing heavy scrutiny and are in a crisis mode for legitimacy and purpose. Ballarta’s initiatives are meant to help the communities where it’s needed most, and can also help serve as an olive branch to help mend a somewhat broken relationship between police and the public.

Coffee For A Cause And Texas True Blue Coffee – Final Thoughts

When we think about companies that sell coffee for a cause it’s normally a small percentage that’s a charity based program. Texas True Blue coffee is a multifaceted company that’s looking to help the families of fallen officers and the inner city communities. It’s a company that’s looking to facilitate a larger change.

By bringing together the police and the public Texas True Blue Coffee can hopefully help bring about a cultural shift in our country. Especially, in the relationships between the police and the public. What started out as a mission to aid the families of fallen officers has turned into a larger goal of bringing everyone together.

Texas True Blue Coffee is a coffee company that gives back to the community, and has a lot of great things to come ahead. Keep following to see what’s next for this Austin, Texas based company.